This Num.21 allusion may possibly support the view that the
“cross” was an upright stake. LXX there uses John’s word
“sign”. The brazen serpent would be fashioned, of course, by
Bezaleel (=in the shadow of God) of Judah, and so — again, of course
— it would be put on the standard of Judah.
RV: may In him have eternal life. But in v. 16 the
Greek is different.
Only begotten. Heb. 11: 17 may allude to this verse; in
which case, this gospel was written before A.D. 70.
Perish = earthly things (v. 12);
eternal life = heavenly things.
Truth. In not a few places “truth” is used
as a synonym for “righteousness”; cp. 7: 18; Ps. 51: 5,6; Rom. 2: 8;
1 Cor. 13: 6.