Every detail in Dt. 33: 12 seems to fit this verse.
His own brother. This emphasis is perhaps called for
because of what “brother” came to mean later; 20: 17.
Simon means “hearing”. Does the order of
the names (v.44) imply that Simon was the junior? Yet he never seems to fit that
Out of Nazareth. Is there also a hint here of the
jealousy of neighbouring towns?
No guile. Ps. 32: 2; 1 Pet. 2: 22. The men of Zebulun
(Cana: 21: 2) who helped David to be King of Israel were “not of a double
heart” (1 Chr. 12: 33).
Son of God’, King of Israel. The titles derive
from 2 Sam. 7: 14,16; Ps. 2: 2,6,7 (See also Mt. 27: 40,43). Foreshadowed also
in Jacob’s anointing of a holy stone: Gen. 28: 18; 35: 10,11.
Ascending ... descending. Christ as sacrifice and altar
is the starting point of all angelic work; Rev. 7: 2; 8: 4; 10: 1. Moses also
ascended and descended in Messiah’s service.
Son of man. Ps. 80: 15,17.