v. 1-5 The Word |
v. 6-8 John sent from God. |
v.9-14 The Light, the Word made flesh, |
v. 15 John’s witness to the people, |
v. 16-18 Jesus and Moses. |
v. 19ff John’s witness to the rulers. |
John 1 |
6. |
A man sent from God whose name was John. |
Moses sent to Israel in bondage to declare God’s
impending deliverance (3:10). |
7. |
To bear witness of the Light. |
Moses’ testimony to his encounter with the Angel of the
Lord and the Shekinah Glory (3:16). |
9. |
He was true Light (alethinos, not the typical
light)... |
The Angel of the Covenant with the Glory of the Lord
foreshadowed a greater deliverance (14:19,20). |
...which lighteth every (kind of) man that cometh into the
world (the New Israel). |
A mixed multitude joined Israel in their deliverance
(12:38). |
10. |
He was in the world (of Israel), and that world came into
being through him. . .and the world knew him not. |
The Angel of the Lord present in the camp of Israel and the
means of their deliverance (23:20). |
11. |
His own received him not. |
The murmuring of Israel |
12. |
As many as received him. . . |
The loyalty of the tribe of Lev! (32:26). |
...to them gave he power to become the sons of God. .
. |
The adoption of Lev! as the priestly tribe (32:29) |
...even to them that believe |
The people believed that God had visited his people
(4:31). |
...on his name |
“My Name is in him” (23:21). |
13. |
Born, not of blood etc., but of God. |
Levi selected, not (then) because of birth qualification but
for godliness’ sake (Dt. 33:9,10). |
14. |
And the Word became (was born) flesh?... |
(Here a contrast with the divine nature of the delivering
Angel) |
... and tabernacled among us... |
The Angel and the Shekinah Glory in the Tabernacle (33:9;
40:35). |
...full of grace and truth. . . |
“He will not pardon your transgressions”
(23:21). “Now if thou wilt forgive their sin-” (32:32). |
. . .and we beheld his glory. . . |
The pillar of cloud and fire over the Tabernacle in the camp
(Num. 10:34) (and see also Lev. 9:22,23). |
...as of the only begotten of the Father |
(Here again a contrast-the Angel a “son of
God”). |
16. |
And of his fulness have all we received. . .and grace
(true forgiveness) instead of grace (the typical forgiveness under the
Law) |
“The Tabernacle was f?//ed with the Glory of the
Lord” (40:36). |
17. |
Grace and truth (true forgiveness) come by Jesus
Christ. |
The Law was given (idiom: appointed) through
Moses. |
18. |
No man (not even Moses) hath seen God at any time... |
“Show me thy Glory ...Thou canst not see my face ... no
man shall see me, and live” (33:18,20). |
...the only begotten, which is in the bosom of the Father ...
he hath declared him. |
Contrast Moses hidden in a cleft of the rock
(33:22). God made known through Moses in type and shadow. |
11. |
His own. In John, only here and 10:12; 19:27. |
Received is explained in v. 12 as meaning
“believed on his name”. For a vivid picture of this rejection, see
Lk. 20:15. |
13. |
Blood. This word is plural, appropriate with reference
to a human mother. If singular, ‘not of blood” would be an untrue
statement, for all true believers are new-born out of the blood of Christ.
Man. The common NT. word for “husband”. |
14. |
Among us ... we behold. The pronouns seem to indicate
other apostles reinforcing the testimony of John; cp. 21:24; 1 Jn. 1:1,2;
contrast 20:29. |
We beheld. In the wilderness, the Glory was seen
specially in the time of sacrifice; Lev. 9:22,23. |
His glory, in (a) his miracles; 2:11; 11:4,23,40;
12:37-43; (b) in Transfiguration; Lk. 9:32-35. |
The rabbis commonly said that the Second Temple lacked five
things: 1. Ark (the mercy seat was known as the D’varah, the place of the Word). 2. The Glory (Shekinah has a close link with the word ’tabernacled’ here). 3. The spirit of prophecy; v.17 v 17 4. Urim and Thummim; v.18. 5. The divine fire. |
As of the only begotten. Cp. the parental joy and great
feast at the weaning of Isaac; Gen. 21:8. Equivalent to this detail in John is
the mention in Mt, Mk, Lk. that at the Lord’s baptism the heavens
opened. |
15. |
Bare witness. Gk. present tense. Long after his death
John’s witness still continued. |
And cried. A technical term for the work of a prophet;
7:13; Rom. 9:27; and rabbinic usage. |
He was before me. Why not ‘is’? |
16 |
These are, of course, the comments of the apostle, not the
words of the Baptist. |
18 |
Which. Gk: ho On. Thus, very subtly, John
intimates that the Divine Name (Ex. 3:14 LXX) now belongs to Jesus also (Ph. 2:9
RV; Rom. 9:5 Gk.); cp. also Jn. 3:13,31 Gk. |
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