Chapter 28 - The Beast of the Abyss and the Beast of the Earth (ch. 13)
The Book of Revelation was to make known “things which
must shortly come to pass.” To the First Century Christian much in the
vision of chapter 12 would appear to come under that description: the casting
down of the third part of the stars of heaven and the flight of the woman into
the wilderness had their fulfilment in the overthrow of Judaea by Titus and the
scattering of Jewry through all parts of the Roman Empire. To the First Century
observer what would not be so evident would be the interpolation of a big time
gap before the “war in heaven” and the victory of God’s
Similarly, there are features in the vision of chapter 13,
which to the First Century searcher of this Scripture would seem to have special
relevance to his own day. Here was a mighty and ferocious Beast, easily
identifiable with the pagan power of Imperial Rome. To this Beast there was
given power unlimited. Especially there was power to command the worship of the
masses. Its very strength and invincibility made it an object of worship. This
Beast turned against the saints of God and, blaspheming the God they worshipped,
brought all possible forms of persecution against them, no matter what country
they were found in.
To saints of John’s day all this would have a most grim
appropriateness. The Roman Caesars had supreme power throughout the Empire. It
is frightening to think of the extreme despotism, which was then concentrated in
the hands of one man in Rome. Since the time of Augustus the Caesars had been
deified. Every city had its temple dedicated to the worship of the Emperor. And
even as John was writing, the contemporary Caesar - Nero - was inflicting the
first really fierce widespread persecution, which Christians had to face. The
entire machinery of the Roman state was being geared up to a systematic
persecution of Christians, in Rome especially, but also in the provinces, as 1
Peter 3:14 18; 4:12-19; 5:8-10; Revelation 1:9; 2:10, 13 bear witness.
Consequently it would be almost impossible for John’s brethren to read
this Scripture without some conviction that it related to their own present dire
One detail in particular suggests that this vision was so
understood in the early church. The number of the Beast is given as 666. Out of
many possible solutions to this enigma, a very plausible one is N E R O N K A I
S A R. But a number of the old manuscripts preserve a different reading: 616, a
number which would be yielded if the alternative form of the name were used: N E
R O K A I S A R. The point is significant.
The vile use Nero made of his power need not be detailed here.
Some Christians he crucified (e.g. Peter); others he killed with the
sword (e.g. Paul); others provided a sanguinary spectacle in the arena
for the entertainment of the sated Roman crowd; some even became human torches
to light up Nero’s garden parties.
The second Beast of chapter 13, having two horns like a lamb
and directing and organizing the elaborate worship of the first Beast, would
readily fit the role played by the priesthood of the Emperor worship. By these
men every resource of trickery, deceit, and “magic” was employed to
the full to hoodwink the superstitious masses and maintain the popularity and
dominance of the Imperial religion. And against those who failed to conform to
this state worship it was possible to marshal a wide variety of political and
economic sanctions so that life became uncomfortable and almost impossible. In
the later reign of Hadrian this acceptance of worship of the Emperor became the
standard test applied to every Christian under scrutiny. He need only offer a
pinch of incense at the Imperial altar and in a few formal words execrate
Christ, and he was discharged from court without a stain on his
Thus from many aspects this vision of the two Beasts would
come with special force to the persecuted saints of the A.D. 60’s. This
view harmonizes also with the exposition suggested earlier of Seals and Trumpets
where also, besides the climactic fulfilment in the Last Days, there is a First
Century fulfilment to be considered. But to stop here with chapter 13 is
obviously inadequate. There are sufficient indications in this vision also to
require a more complete reference to the Last Days.
The sequence of the prophecy from the end of chapter 12
requires this. The second half of Revelation 12 unquestionably belongs to the
time of the establishment of the Kingdom, and the link-up between Dragon and
Beast of the Abyss (13:2) requires continuity.
At the same time, it is a mistake frequently made to assume
that because chapter 13 comes after chapter 12, the first of these must have a
completed fulfilment before the next can ensue. The student of Revelation needs
to be constantly warning himself against the expectation of chronological
sequence in these prophecies. There is, in fact, a clear intimation that the
Beast of the sea prophecy must refer to a time preceding chapter 12:9, when the
dragon is cast out: “The dragon gave him (the Beast) his power, and his
throne, and great authority” (13:2). After the war in heaven the dragon
had none of these.
Another point of importance: this Beast is undoubtedly to be
identified with the power of the Little Horn of Daniel’s Fourth Beast
(Daniel 7:20-25).
The general description, the blasphemy against the most High,
the persecution of the saints, and the precise duration of this wielding of
ferocious power are details common to both prophecies. If this may not be taken
to indicate identity there is an end to all interpreting of Scripture by
Scripture. Daniel 7:21, 22, 26 makes clear that the power of the Little Horn is
to be exercised with rigour in the Last Days immediately before the
manifestation of Messiah and the setting up of the Kingdom. Then must not a
similar conclusion be reached regarding Revelation 13? These are events, which
happen at or immediately before the coming of Christ.
Comparison with the Beast of Revelation 17 yields a similar,
and if possible, more decisive conclusion. They both come out of the abyss, both
have seven heads and ten horns, and are full of names of blasphemy, both are
associated with persecution of saints; and the Beast of Revelation 17, like that
of Daniel 7, meets with destruction at the hands of the Messiah himself. The
additional details of Revelation 17 positively demand reference to the Last
Days. So it seems altogether logical to give chapter 13 a similar
It is necessary, then, to seek out identification of this
Beast out of the abyss with some great persecuting power which will withstand
Christ in the Last Days. This is no easy matter; nor is it one where conclusions
may be stated with confidence. It is needful to identify also the ten kings,
corresponding to the ten crowned horns, who give their power and strength to the
In “The Last Days,” Chapter 4, and in “The
Time of the End,” Chapter 12, reasons have been advanced for regarding
application to the Roman Church in the Twentieth Century as inadequate. All
present indications are that the political power of the Church of Rome is as
good as finished. Fantasies about a political union between Rome and Communism
are ventilated from time to time, but these lack even a vestige of Biblical
support, and politically they certainly do not belong to the world of reality.
Even if such a monstrosity were to be begotten, the time required for its
gestation would be far longer than the contemporary political scene in the
Middle East allows of. Something of that sort could only come about given a more
considerable span of years than seems at all possible.
The identification of the Beast with the great power of Russia
has much more to commend it. Of all the powers now in existence in the political
world, none is closer in character to the Roman Empire of John’s day than
Russian Communism, “full of names of blasphemy.”
The ten kings allied to this Beast are traditionally
subdivisions of political Europe. This is the main line of orthodox Protestant
exposition of Daniel 2, 7; Revelation 13,17. It has exercised too strong an
influence. Is it likely that men wildly astray on many a basic fundamental of
the gospel have been endowed by God with extraordinary power of elucidation of
these more abstruse mysteries of prophecy?
A better hint comes from Revelation 11, where the Beast of the
Abyss is associated with others who “dwell in the Land” and who
rejoice inordinately over the death of the Two Witnesses. This suggests
identification of the ten kings with the ten Arab states, all now in close
alliance with Russia, who may be counted on to accept yet closer alliance with
that power in any campaign against the people of God in the land of
If, as has been suggested elsewhere (“The Time of the
End,” Chapters 3, 4, 7, 8) the overthrow of the state of Israel comes
about through Arab invasion strongly supported by Russian resources, there is
here the kind of political combination which would explain both Revelation 13
and 17. Even so there are some details where the interpretation is none too
The deadly wound of the Beast healed to the wonderment of all
the world, might well be the complete run-down of Russia in the Second World
War, and its fantastic recovery within a few short years to become the dominant
influence in world politics. “Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to
make war with him?”
The “forty and two months” of oppression, making
war with “the saints” corresponds with the “three days and an
half” of the death of the witnesses (11:9, 11) - a period of three and a
half years during which (“The Last Days,” Chapters 5, 6, 7) the
state of Israel is under the heel of its enemies. The description
“saints” is doubly appropriate since it describes Israel as
God’s “holy people” (as in Daniel 8:24), and also especially
those in Israel who are brought to repentance (“The Time of the
End,” Chapter 2) through their traumatic experiences and the appeal of
God’s Elijah-prophet manifest among them (Malachi 4:5, 6). Hence also the
description: “blasphemy against God, and his tabernacle, and them that
dwell in heaven,” i.e. Jews who are once again in the covenant of
God’s Promises and no longer cast off.
“Power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and
nations” is obviously not to be taken with complete literalness. The words
probably indicate all the nations (Arab mainly) round about
Israel,[55] though there may also be intimation
that the campaign against Israel is only part of a much more extensive struggle
among the world powers, with big success attending the Russian
There follows (13: 10) a passage which is puzzling both in its
phraseology and in the manuscript reading behind it. The ancient texts offer a
bewildering variety of readings here, but happily doubts are resolved by the Old
Testament original in Jeremiah 15:2: “Such as are for death, to death; and
such as are for the sword, to the sword; and such as are for famine, to the
famine; and such as are for the captivity, to the captivity.” It is a
prophecy of Israel’s tribulation. And the next verse proceeds:
“I will appoint over them ... the beast of the earth to devour,”
thus strengthening the connection with Revelation 13.
Thus the words of 13: 10 imply the finality of Israel’s
opportunity of repentance. Another Old Testament prophecy chimes in here with
the same meaning. In Hosea 13:13 there is reference to Israel, reproved and
afflicted by their God as a travailing woman in the wilderness (Revelation 12:2,
6): “Therefore I will be unto them as a lion: as a leopard by the
way will I observe (i.e. stalk) them; I will meet them as a bear bereaved
of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour
them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them” (v. 7, 8).
Here is the composite Beast of the Abyss (13:2) brought in judgement against the
people of Israel. Yet in the end (v. 14), “I will ransom them from the
power of the grave (the resurrection of the witnesses?), I will redeem them from
death: O death, I will by thy plagues: O grave, I will be thy destruction:
repentance shall be hid from mine eyes.” These words Paul applies to the
resurrection of the dead (1 Corinthians 15:54).
The interpretation of the two-horned Beast out of the earth,
and the details which describe it, involve a fair element of uncertainty,
chiefly because of a marked lack of Old Testament connections in this half of
Revelation 13. Two different possibilities present themselves. Both will be
submitted here for the reader’s judgement.
The primary application of this prophecy to Nero Caesar and
the imperial religion of Emperor-worship suggests a counterpart in the Last
Days. The state religion associated with Russia is Communism. Scores of modern
writers have commented on the religious character of the Marxist Creed. At least
one has catalogued resemblances between Communism and Catholicism. Each has its
Pope and bench of cardinals. Each has its sacred books (the writings of Marx and
Engels) and priesthood (the praesidium and party members). Each wields an iron
discipline and an economic control over the brain-washed masses. With each there
is the worship of pictures and symbols. Each exercises a far-reaching influence
in the internal affairs of other countries.
The lamb-like cry of Communism has been a constant bleat of
“Peace, peace,” yet all along its policy has been one of inexorable
aggression and stark militarism.
“No man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or
the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” The ability of
Communist organizations to bring economic paralysis by strikes and subversion
seems to match these words.
The great signs involving fire from heaven (the miracle that
Jesus forbade: Luke 9:54, 55) might well be marvels of nuclear destruction or
the bouncing of laser beams off satellites put into space specifically for such
purposes Here one is left speculating. But probably before much time has elapsed
disciples of this generation will be startled by the shouting correspondence
between many dramatic happenings in the world, and the details written in
Revelation - unless by that time civilization has already been reduced to such a
state of chaos that news-comn1unication has completely broken down.
This lamb-like Beast is appropriately described elsewhere as
the False Prophet (13: 14; 19:20). Fire from heaven was one of the signs of
Elijah the prophet (1 Kings 18:38; 2 Kings 1:10, 12). Jesus issued special
warning against false prophets working signs and wonders (Matthew 24:5, 11, 24).
And it will be recalled that it was a false vision of a true prophet coming up
out of the earth which deceived Saul in the end of his lamentable reign (1
Samuel 28:13).
The alternative interpretation to the one attempted just now
is identification with the religion of Islam, which will certainly be fully
re-instated in Jerusalem when the Arabs, with their Russian ally, overrun
Israel. This is the religion of the False Prophet. And there is appropriateness
about the description of this Beast coming up out of the earth - the Land - for
Mohammedanism has had roots in Palestine for long centuries. The oppression of
Jews both religiously and economically by this False Prophet would be axiomatic.
But the rest of the details seem to imply an even closer identification of Islam
with Russia than it is possible to envisage at present. However, the suggestion
is perhaps worth bearing in mind.
There is another interpretation of the Beast of the sea, which
would harmonize marvellously well with the Islam suggestion just made. This,
which has been in the mind of the present writer for several years as a distinct
possibility, is that the Beast represents the resurgence of the Palestinians to
a position of dominance in Arab anti-Jewish politics. It will be recalled that
the little horn of Daniel 7, the equivalent of this beast of Revelation 13,
uproots three of the ten horns. It will be a test of the validity of this
interpretation if the Palestinian movement takes over three Arab states -
Jordan, Lebanon, Syria? From this point of view the deadly wound which is healed
would signify the astonishing rise to world significance of the wretched,
helpless refugees from the three wars between Jews and Arabs, or, even more
likely, King Hussein’s ruthless repression of the Palestinians in 1971. At
the time of writing it is not possible to draw any firm conclusions. One can
only bear in mind the possibilities and keep a watchful eye on developing
One clear Old Testament linkage is, alas, indecisive in its
help at identification of the Beast of the Earth: “And they (Israel) shall
no more be a prey to the heathen, neither shall the beast of the Land (the
earth) devour; but they shall dwell safely, and none shall make them
afraid” (Ezekiel 34:28). “And I will make with them a covenant of
peace and will cause evil beasts to cease out of the Land” (verse 25). If
anything this passage points to the second of the two identifications suggested,
but can hardly be recognized as decisive.
Nor does the number of the Beast offer any dependable means of
reaching a conclusion. The gematria solutions for 666 are just about so
numerous. Besides that already suggested, there is the familiar L A T E I N O S
(using Greek letters), and R O M I I T H (using Hebrew). In the Second World War
M E I N K A M P F was another popular solution, now as dead as the dodo. Even
the name of the present writer (in Hebrew) can be made to yield 666.
Is it possible that this kind of approach is somewhat off
course? The number of the Beast is “the number of M A N” - 666 makes
a triple emphasis on falling short of perfection, whereas the gematria of J E S
U S (in Greek) yields 888, which puts triple emphasis on the fact that he is
risen from the dead on the eighth day, a new Beginning, the Firstborn of
God’s New Creation.
One other suggestion on these lines is perhaps worth
mentioning. 666 is written
which is
stock abbreviation in the New Testament manuscripts for “Christ”)
, the symbol of the serpent. In other words, here is
Messiah, the False Christ.
[55] Cp.
the idiomatic usage of “all nations” in a restricted sense in 2
Chronicles 32:23; 1 Chronicles 14:17; 18:11; Psalm 118:10; Isaiah 29:7, 8,
17:12-14; 14:26; 34:2, 6; Jeremiah 27:7; Joel 3:2.