Elsewhere in Revelation the symbolism of natural Israel is
appropriated to describe the saints; e.g. “the bride, the
Lamb’s wife” is described also in terms of a city, “the holy
Jerusalem,” upon the gates of which are “the names of the twelve
tribes of the children of Israel’s (21:9-12). And in Revelation 3:12
“the name of my God,” which is the Seal applied to the 144,000 (see
ch. 14:1) is promised to the faithful in Philadelphia, most of who would
assuredly be Gentiles.
By contrast, in Revelation also, the name of Jew is denied to
those who are the fleshly descendants of Abraham; ch. 2:9 and 3:9.
The same obvious spiritual idiom is employed by Peter, James
and Paul. The idea was well-recognized in the early churches. Peter’s 1st
Epistle is written to “the elect who are sojourners of the
Dispersion” (ch. 1:1 R.V.). All three terms used here were normally
applied to Israel, and the second and third to the Jews not resident in
Palestine. Yet nothing is more certain than that Peter wrote primarily to
Gentiles, not Jews (e.g. 4:3; 1:14). The Epistle of James begins
similarly, and again an attempt to apply his words literally to “the
twelve tribes scattered abroad” breaks down almost before it has started
(2:1; 5:14). Paul’s language in Galatians 6:15, 16 and Romans 9:6-8 and
2:28, 29 is conclusive.
If the twelve tribes of Revelation 7 are the literal tribes,
then to be consistent the numbers - 12,000 from each tribe - should also be
taken literally. Yet it is unthinkable that that is how God has worked, choosing
exactly 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel, but none at all from
Dan (Samson? Judges 13:2; Hebrews 11:32).
First place is not accorded to Reuben, the first born, but to
Judah, because from Judah came Christ who is “the First-fruits,”
“the Beginning of the Creation of God,” “the Lion of the tribe
of Judah.”
There is no regard here at all to family arrangement (by
contrast with every other similar list of these twelve names in Scripture),
because the people typified here are they whose standing in the sight of God
does not depend on natural relationship.
Levi is catalogued along with all the rest, thus indicating
the end of the Aaronic priesthood, which had made Levi separate, distinct and
The omission of Dan is significant. It has to be remembered
that Dan was the first tribe in idolatry (Judges 17, 18), and idolaters are
banned from God’s holy city (Revelation 22:15). Also Dan deserted the
inheritance assigned to him. And of all the twelve tribes Dan was completely
content to stay in captivity - there is no mention of Dan in the genealogies of
1 Chronicles 4-8.[26] The symbol of the tribe
of Dan was a serpent (Genesis 49:17) when it should have been the eagle (Numbers
2:25); the destruction of the serpent is one of the main themes of Revelation
(20:2, 10). Because of this serpent symbol it was traditional among the very
early Christians to assert that in the Last Days Antichrist would arise from the
tribe of Dan (cp. Genesis 49:17 and Jeremiah 8:16, 17). Is it just coincidence
that so many of the men of the Kremlin have been - like Dan - apostate Jews, men
happy in their estrangement from the Land, seeking to lose their nationality
amongst the enemies of God and even working actively and powerfully for the
destruction of the new state of Israel?
Ephraim is omitted, but instead there is mention of Joseph,
suggesting that only those out of Ephraim who are like their worthy progenitor
will be fit for inclusion in the Lamb’s great multitude; cp. Ezekiel
37:16, 19.
Further consideration is asked of the correspondences listed
earlier (see chapter 10) between Revelation 6, 7 and the Olivet Prophecy of
Jesus. At least five of these belong to Revelation 7 and all save one go back
to that part of the Olivet Prophecy which indubitably refers to the Last
Days. Nor is the apparent exception any difficulty.
The description of a great multitude with palms in their hands
crying "Salvation" (Hosanna) is an obvious reminiscence of Jesus' Triumphal
Entry into Jerusalem, which in its turn was beyond all doubt intended as a kind
of "dress rehearsal" of the Second Coming (Zechariah 9: 9, 10).
The sealing of the 144,000 comes immediately before the
breaking of the Seventh Seal, which is the last. Thereafter, nothing of
the outworking of the Divine Purpose remains hidden. "The words are closed up
and scaled to the time of the end" (Daniel 12:9).
The angel with the seal of the living God is described as
ascending "from the sun-rising" (R.V.). This immediately suggests Christ who is
"the bright and morning star" (Revelation 22:16; 2 Peter 1:19; Luke 1: 78). If
the objection were put: Why does it not say "Christ" or "the Lamb" or some other
term to identify the Messiah expressly? Answer is immediately available in that
dual fulfilment. The sealing of those to be saved from Jerusalem in A.D. 70 is
not stated in Scripture to have been done by Christ in person (though it may
have been!) but of the Second Coming this is described unequivocally in Matthew
24:31. Incidentally, this Matthew 24:31 explains why Revelation 7:3 reads:
"until we have sealed the servants of our God." The "we" includes Christ
and his angels.
The symbolism of the Passover throughout this chapter forms an
easy link with Isaiah 26: 20, 21- "Come, my people, enter thou into thy
chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little
moment until the indignation be overpast" - words which are demonstrably an
allusion likewise to judgement and Passover deliverance in the Last
Isaiah 4, another prophecy which clearly has reference to the
bringing in of Christ's Kingdom, has several points of contact with Revelation 7
- the washing of filthy garments, the tabernacle of God's people, the canopy
(R.V.) of the pillar of cloud to protect from the heat - these are
A similar set of allusions is to be traced in Ezekiel 37 - the
four winds (v. 9), "they all shall have one shepherd" (v. 24), "my tabernacle
shall be over them" (v. 27 R.V.m.). And the Last Day application of Ezekiel 37
none will dispute.
The concluding words cited from Isaiah 25:8 bring the vision
to the grand consummation: "God shall wipe away all tears from their
If the sealing is a symbol of the gift of the Holy Spirit
(Ephesians 1: 13), Joel 2:28 and the use of that Scripture in Acts 2 definitely
sanction an application both to the First Century and the Twentieth.
The repetition of the vision of the 144,000 (14:1) suggests a
second fulfilment; otherwise what is the point of it?