Chapter 9 - The General Principles of Interpretation of Revelation
The visions accompanying the opening of the Seals in
Revelation 6 immediately provoke a problem of first-rate importance. Whilst the
general symbolism of the Seals (or of some of them!) may be easy of
interpretation, e.g. Seals 2, 3, 4 clearly signify War, Famine,
Pestilence - to what particular events does the series refer? For without
question, the details of some of the Seals are of such a precise and particular
character as to make it certain that they have reference to specific
Working on this principle, John Thomas and others have
suggested an impressive correspondence between the Seals (and also succeeding
sections of Revelation) and certain epochs of Roman and Church history, a
correspondence running right through the Trumpets, Beast Visions and Vials to
the titanic events associated with the coming of the Lord.
Whilst there may be places where the equation of prophecy and
history staggers somewhat, there can be no question that in general the way in
which the one answers to the other is impressive. Viewed even in the most
unsympathetic fashion, it has to be granted that this is hardly likely to be
accident. But it is necessary to point out a fact much overlooked, so much
overlooked, indeed, that at first some will be loth to believe the truth of it.
This "continuous-historic" method of interpreting Revelation is, of necessity,
What is meant by this seemingly radical statement is this:
When a prophecy like Revelation is considered in detail, its symbols interpreted
in a reasonable fashion, and the prophecy then given an application to certain
epochs in world history, there cannot - from the very nature of the case - be
any Biblical warrant for so doing. The only sanction available lies in a
resemblance between a piece of history (say, for the sake of argument, some
particular phase of the Holy Roman Empire) and the interpretation that has been
put on the symbols of a certain portion of Revelation. There is no known hint in
the Bible saying either explicitly or in veiled fashion: "This part of the
prophecy concerns the Holy Roman Empire."
In order that this point may be seen more clearly, contrast
might well be made with Daniel ch. 2, where the various parts of the Image are
given a definite Biblical interpretation in the same chapter, an interpretation
that is completely beyond criticism (vv. 37 45). Or, again, consideration might
be given to some of the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, which without
any doubt whatever should be applied to the work, and experience of Jesus
because Jesus or his apostles say so in the New Testament.
Thus, whilst it is possible in the study of a great many Old
Testament prophecies to have one's feet planted on the solid foundation of New
Testament authority, from the very nature of the case this is not
possible with the "continuous-historic" method of interpreting Revelation.
At the same time it has to be insisted that lack of Biblical confirmation does
not at all constitute disproof. And certainly the resemblances between history
and this particular scheme of interpretation of Apocalyptic symbol should not be
dismissed with an airy wave of the hand. Those inclined to consign them to the
wastepaper basket should think carefully.
But it has to be said that even the warmest enthusiasts for
the continuous historic exposition must admit, and usually do so concede, that
the results of this approach are somewhat unequal. For example, most students
find the historic link-up of Revelation 11, 12 less satisfactory than other
sections of the prophecy. But this does not necessarily mean that the rest is of
no consequence.
Next, attention must focus, and must remain focussed,
on a big fact concerning Revelation which - to one's lasting surprise - has
been almost completely ignored in the standard interpretation of the middle
section of Revelation. This big (biggest!) fact about Revelation is that the
entire book from beginning to end is a masterly mosaic of quotations from and
allusions to the rest of the Bible. Approximately 500 of these have been
catalogued in Westcott and Hort's Greek Testament. The present writer is certain
that this hopelessly underestimates the true figure.
In the rest of Scripture the citation of or allusion to
earlier parts of the Bible is normally taken as an inspired directive as to how
such a passage should be interpreted. Jesus applied Isaiah 61 to his own work of
redemption; therefore Isaiah 61 must be given an interpretation on these lines.
In Romans 15 Paul quotes Isaiah 11:1, 10 applying the words to the gospel
concerning Christ; therefore the conscientious exponent of the Word must follow
where Paul has led. Peter and Paul both apply to Christ the two Isaiah
prophecies of the stone of stumbling and the chief corner stone (Isaiah 8:14 and
28:16; 1 Peter 2:6, 8; Romans 9:33); therefore the Holy Spirit intended these as
prophecies of Jesus. One might go further and note Matthew's use of "Rachel
weeping for her children" (Matthew 2:18; Jeremiah 31:15) and infer - though with
what reluctance this is done by some! - that Jeremiah 31 should also be read as
having definite Messianic content. Alas! Instead, too many students of such
Scriptures are over-ready to confess the ignorance of the inspired writer rather
than their own. It is seriously to be doubted whether there is a single page of
the New Testament without Old Testament links of this kind.
All these various echoes of the rest of Scripture to be
encountered in Revelation, and especially in the middle section of it now about
to be attempted, are to be regarded as so many hints as to what the various
parts of the prophecy are about. Here is a lead to the interpretation of
Revelation, which is too valuable to leave ignored. Even with this guiding
principle difficulties abound. But a patient attempt on these lines to integrate
Revelation with the rest of Scripture instead of regarding it as something
altogether separate and distinct is bound to bring big results.
It can be said right away that in the main the use of the rest
of the Bible to elucidate Revelation leads to the emphatic conclusion that
practically all the book from chapter 6 onwards applies either (1) to the grim
events associated with the fall of Jerusalem in AD. 70 and God's rejection of
Israel, or else (2) to the great events prior to and contemporary with the
return of the Lord, or else (3) to both.
Thus, both method and results in this study will prove to be
drastically different from those of the familiar continuous-historic
interpretation yet neither need exclude it. Since Scripture presents many
instances of prophecies framed by the wisdom of God in such a way as to
anticipate accurately in the same words two or more widely separated crises-in
the divine programme (see chapter 8), there need be no difficulty whatever in
the idea of yet another fulfilment of Revelation on the lines suggested here, in
addition to the scheme made familiar through "Eureka." (In this study emphasis
wil1 not be put on the continuous-historic scheme simply because it has already
been set out elsewhere fully and completely).
The considerations just advanced illuminate and are themselves
illuminated by the opening words of the Apocalypse: "Blessed is he that readeth,
and they that hear the words of this prophecy." Why the special blessing which
understanding of Revelation is to bring?
Firstly, because Revelation is so much dependent on the rest
of the Bibl' that he who would understand it must first understand the rest of
Scripture In other words, the one who hears (i.e. understands) this Book
is special, blessed because he must first have profited richly from the rest of
the Word of God.
Secondly, if the view to be advanced in this study is correct,
then in ever, age the devout and faithful reader of the Apocalypse has found and
will find strong confirmation of his faith. The early Christian of the First
Century would see how much of its vivid symbolism was fulfilled in A.D. 70. The
brother of Christ, tenaciously holding to truth amidst error in the Twentieth
Century, is able to discern that much, which the Book reveals, may be this
modern world's experience at almost any moment. And the obscure faithful remnant
at any epoch throughout the ages would be able, in whatever generation, to find
some part of this divine panorama passing under hi gaze from prophecy to
So, then, the exposition, which follows, will be, in the main,
a Biblical exposition, seeking to follow the directives supplied by the copious
link with other parts of Scripture. Now and then, to emphasize (rather than
prove) the A.D. 70 application, there will be reference to First Century
history, chiefly to Josephus, who is invaluable here. And to point the imminence
of the final and great fulfilment in the Last Days some attempt will be mad to
spot-light the relevance of those Apocalyptic prophecies to the Twentieth
Century. The present writer is convinced that there is need of only little
patience before a truly startling fulfilment of some of these things through
current affairs becomes plain and undeniable.