Harry Whittaker
The Last Days


The studies of “The Last Days” brought together here have often been asked for since the Christadelphian Isolation League circulated them. Through the kind help and encouragement of Brother Roger Heming they are now made available in a handier form.

It is hoped that these chapters serve to stimulate in those who read a greater enthusiasm for what the Bible teaches about the imminent End of the Age— “set your hope perfectly on the grace that is being brought unto you in the revelation of Jesus Christ”.

Judging by the speed with which the first edition of this little book was exhausted, it may be said to have had a good reception, even though its unconventional character has been in the nature of a shock to some. The continuing demand makes it difficult to refuse a further issue.

Some misunderstandings have arisen out of the brevity of these studies. For this reason, and also in response to many requests for further help in this field of Bible prophecy, it is hoped to publish (June, 1969) another volume on similar lines.

Readers are assured that there is nothing in this or in any other writing by the author, which in the slightest degree controverts or questions any part of the well-established Statement of Faith. Those propositions, it is believed are irrefutable. But there is room for a re-assessment of some expositions, which have been overtaken by the march of events.

The help of Sister Muriel Palmer in getting this compilation ready for circulation has been considerable. I am very grateful to her.


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