“And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify (declare as righteous) the heathen (or nations) through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham”
“Unto thy seed will I give this land”.
“All the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever... arise, walk through the land... for I will give it unto thee”.
Look from the place where thou art
northward... |
13:14 |
Walk through the land in the length...
breadth... |
13:17 |
All the land which thou seest... I will
give... |
13:15 |
Hebrews 11:9 |
By faith he sojourned in the land of
promise |
Acts 7:4-5 |
This land wherein ye now dwell... He promised that He
would give it to him |
Romans 4:13 |
The promise that he would be the heir the
world... |
Proverbs 11:31 |
The righteous shall be recompensed in the
earth |
Matthew 5:5 |
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the
earth |
Revelation 5:10 |
We shall reign on the earth |
Psalm 37:22 |
Those blessed of him shall inherit the
earth... |
Psalm 37:29 |
and dwell therein for ever |
21:43 |
Yahweh gave unto Israel all the land which He sware to give to
their fathers; and they possessed it and dwelt therein |
21:45 |
There failed not ought of any good thing which Yahweh had
spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass |
23:14 |
Not one thing hath failed of all the good things which Yahweh
your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass to you, and not one thing
hath failed thereof. |
V 1-7 |
Rise of Russia to dominance over Europe and North
Africa |
V8-12 14-17 |
Russian invasion of Israel, at time of
Israel’s regathering from long dispersion |
V13 |
Opposition to Russian invasion, from Britain America,
British Commonwealth and Arabs |
V18-23 |
Intervention of Christ to overthrow Russia and rescue
Israel |
V22-24 |
Divine vengeance on rebellious Israel - dispersion and
captivity |
V24 |
Jews regain Jerusalem, when times of gentiles
end |
V25-28 |
World-wide distress at end of gentile times -
followed by Christ’s return and our redemption |
V29-32 |
Israel and many gentile powers regain national independence
then, God’s kingdom is near |
V34-37 |
So, take heed not to be caught unprepared for Christ at
that time |
V12 |
Yahweh lives for ever, so Israel’s future is secure in
His hands |
V13 |
God has determined A SET TIME to favour “Zion” and
regather Israel there. Then, manifested in Christ, He arises to help
them |
V16 |
When Israel returns to Zion, then is the set time for
Christ to return |
V18 |
This is written for a far future age, and for
gentiles |
V1 |
since God will scatter them, is He finished with them?
Certainly not. |
V2 |
what God did in the scattering was a temporary affair.
V4 |
God’s reply to Elijah was that He was not finished with
Israel. |
V5 |
Even now there are Jews being saved by God. |
V7 |
There are a few Jews saved and the great numbers that
weren’t as the words of vv8-9 prophesied. |
V11 |
Is what has happened to them intended to be their final end?
No, He did that to provide a means for salvation to Gentiles, and by this means
to bring back Jews by reconsidering their position because of envy (Galatians
2:15). Because the Gentile sinners did what the Jews would not - turned to
God. |
V12 |
How much more would their fulness be a richness for the
world. |
V16 |
an example from agriculture - the fathers Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob - there will be a harvest of Jews. |
V17 |
the root holds up any and all of the branches. God’s
salvation does not depend on any of us. All that is necessary to save Jew or
Gentile has already been done. If the wild branches don’t produce fruit
they have less right to be there than the native branches. |
V22 |
Severity came on those that fell because they didn’t
stay with God’s goodness. |
V26 |
The time will come when all the Jews left alive will be saved
when they have all hope taken away - then they will cry to God. They will be
saved by the hope of Israel. |
V31 |
The Jewish unbelief provided a precedent for saving Gentiles
to allow him to extend the same mercy to Jews. |
V32 |
He chose this method, so |
Vv33-36 |
God is praised for His wisdom. |