Rick O'Connor
The Things Of The Kingdom And The Things Of The Name
The Bible: The Only Source Of Authority


“That Wicked the Lawless One”

God warns in 2 Thessalonians 2:8 of the development of an ecclesiastical power which would assert its supremacy above all law, while also claiming to be the Church of Christ. This prediction has been amply fulfilled by the papacy, as history attests.

Papal Claims of Divinity

“The Lord our God no longer reigns: He has resigned all power to the Pope.”
TETZEL, Vendor of Indulgences to obtain money for the repair of St. Peters Basilica: Cited in “THE HISTORY OF PROTESTANTISM”, Vol. I pages 255-260

“The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ himself hidden under the veil of the flesh. Does the Pope speak? It is Jesus Christ who speaks...”
Pope Pius X, when Archbishop of Venice; Quoted by “Catholique Nationale”, July 13, 1895

“It is certain that the Pontiff was called a God by the Pious Prince Constantine.”
Canon Law, published by Gratianus, 12th Century

“The Most Holy and Most Blessed One, who hath Divine Judgment, who is Lord on Earth, successor of Peter, the Lord’s Christ, Lord of the Universe, Father of Kings, Light of the World, the Chief Pontiff Pope Martin.”
Annunciation of Pope Martin at the Court of the Greek Emperor. 13th Century.

Man of Sin

The distinctive marks of the man of sin, identified in 2 Thessalonians         2:

The Apostasy
abandonment of truth.
The Man Of Sin
an individual apostate.
The Man Of Sin
a religious organisation continuing from Paul’s time to Christ’s return.
2:3 to 2:8
Exalts Self Above All That Is Called God
claim to be vicar and vice-regent of both God and Christ.
Coming After The Working of Satan
disguising Apostacy under forms of Christian religion.
With All Power, Signs and Lying wonders
claiming power of priesthood, mediatorship, secular and spiritual government, and miraculous signs and healings.
Have Pleasure
In Unrighteousness - profligate, licentious and immoral.

The Meaning of Antichrist

This is the Real Antichrist

Authority - Roman Catholic Barriers

VATICAN COUNCIL, 4th Session, Ch. 4, held 18th July, 1870 “Itaque nos traditions a fidei Christianae...”

“We, the Sacred Council approving, teach and define that it is a dogma divinely revealed: that the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra - that is, when discharging the office of Pastor and Teacher of all Christians, by reason of his supreme Apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine regarding faith or morals to be held by the whole Church - he, by the Divine assistance promised to him in Blessed Peter, possesses that infallibility with which the Divine Redeemer willed that His Church should be endowed in defining doctrine regarding Faith or Morals: and that therefore such definitions of the said Roman Pontiff are of themselves unalterable, and not from the consent of the Church.”

“Catholic Belief” J. F. Di Bruno, 5th edition, 1884
Burns, Oates & Washbourne, Ltd., London, U.K. Imprimatur, H.E. Cardinal Manning.

Creed of Pius 4 incorporating Acts of Council of TRENT - 1545-1563

  1. Holy, Roman Catholic Church, Mother of all Churches.
  2. God, a Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  3. Submission to authority of Church, in faith and morals.
  4. Interpret Holy Scriptures as authorised by Church.
  5. Seven Sacraments, necessary for Salvation (1. Baptism, 2. Confirmation, 3. Eucharist, 4. Penance, 5. Extreme Unction, 6. Orders, 7. Matrimony)
  6. Original Sin and Justification from it.
  7. A true propitiatory sacrifice offered in the mass.
  8. Transubstantiation of Eucharistic bread and wine into real body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ.
  9. Purgatory, for help of souls to heaven by prayers, et cetera, of faithful.
  10. Saints now reigning in heaven with Christ intercede for devotees by prayers to God, and to be invocated.
  11. Relics of Saints to be held in veneration.
  12. Images of Christ, Mary and other Saints to be kept and due honour and veneration to be given them.
  13. Mary, Mother of God, ever virgin.
  14. Power of granting indulgences left by Christ in the Church; use of them most wholesome for Christians.
  15. Embrace apostolical and ecclesiastical traditions and all other observances of the Church.
  16. Promise true obedience to Bishop of Rome, successor of St. Peter, Prince of Apostles, Vicar of Jesus Christ.
  17. Undoubtingly receive all delivered, defined and declared about supremacy and infallible teaching of the Roman Pontiff.


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