Rick O'Connor
The Things Of The Kingdom And The Things Of The Name


The late brother Rick O’Connor conducted First Principles’ Classes for 2 Sydney ecclesias on a weekly basis for over 9 years. This continuous effort has seen more than a dozen interested friends ‘put on the saving name of the Lord Jesus Christ’ (Acts 4:12). These classes were undoubtedly our brother’s forte.

His presentations were frequently accompanied by colourful and well sequenced overhead projection transparencies. Many of these have been presented in a simplified format in these notes. They have been reproduced to encourage those who labour for a more effective presentation of the first principles of Truth to those seeking an answer of the hope that lies within us 1 Peter 3:15. And surely this applies to each one of us.

However, our late brother would not wish his work to supplant our own studies and research upon these topics. As a consequence the layout of many of these transparencies has not been enhanced sufficiently to allow enlargement and thermal copying (although this was the original intention of the editors).

Each one of us should follow the rules of Bible Exposition that were the guiding principles of our brother Rick’s approach to any subject. These rules are given on the first page of this volume. Then we may use the suitable material found in this volume as a support for our efforts. All material presented in a bold format should be suitable for enlarging and making into overhead projectuals.

The nature of the classes mentioned in the foreword was informal and allowed for the selection of a wide variety of topics. The editors have taken a selection from these and grouped them together into 5 broad topic areas:

  1. The Bible: the only authority
  2. God in Manifestation
  3. The Nature of Man                        
  4. The Atonement                
  5. Exceeding Great and Precious Promises                

We trust that these notes will assist all who use them to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” Matthew 6:33.

The Editors

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