A. God’s sanctuary (s.w. “holiness”
in Psa. 99:3,5,9) in His people (cp. Psa. 20:2).
B. His praise... in the firmament — i.e., among
the angels and in the stars (cp. Psa. 148:1-4).
A. His mighty acts on behalf of His people.
B. His excellent greatness in the heavens.
But since all the rest of the psalm is about the praise of God
on earth, why the brief allusions to angels? Because:
(a) Angels have every right to share, with unrestrained
gladness, in the highest moments of God’s creative and redemptive
work (Job 38:7; Isa. 37:36; Luke 2:13,14; Rev. 5:11-13).
(b) Is not the chief ministry of angels associated with
mankind, to the glory of God (Heb. 1:14; Psa. 34:7; Matt. 18:10)?
(c) Psalm 148 (vv. 1-6,7-14) has set the pattern.
Dance is the only non-instrument in vv. 3-5. But it is
necessary here, because a timbrel, or tambourine, is rather pointless if
unaccompanied by dancing.
Every thing that hath breath. Of all living creatures
that have breath, only humans can truly praise the Lord. Literally the phrase
is: “Every breath”, with reference to Gen. 2:7. Finally God’s
human race is fulfilling to perfection the divine intention in