1-6. |
The new song |
7,8. |
The whole earth joins in |
9. |
The reason |
1. |
A new song = Isa. 42:10. |
His right hand and his holy arm = Isa. 59:16;
63:5. |
Victory = Isa. 25:8. |
2a. |
Isa. 45:21-23; 49:6; 52:10; 53:5. |
2b. |
Isa. 45:24,25; 46:13; 62:2. |
3a. |
Isa. 63:7. |
3b. |
Isa. 52:10; cp. Isa. 40:5, 45:22; 49:6. |
4. |
Isa. 12:6; 14:7; 42:11; 44:23; 49:13; 52:9; 54:1;
55:12. |
7. |
Isa. 49:13; 61:11. |
8. |
Isa. 55:12. |
1. |
The situation calls for a new song (cp. Psa. 33:3;
40:3; 96:1; 98:1; 144:9; 149:1), for nothing like it had happened since
Israel’s deliverance from Egypt (hence the frequent reference in Isaiah to
that salvation); compare the language of Exod. 15:1,2,6,7. |
Marvellous things (Psa. 106:7) is “the standard
term for the miraculous interventions of God” (Kidner). |
3. |
The house of Israel... all the ends of the earth (i.e.,
Land). These are appropriate phrases, for Hezekiah’s appeal had gone a
long way towards reuniting the nation (2 Chron. 30:5-11). And the salvation
of our God was literally seen in the mighty theophany described in
Psa. 97:1-5; Isa. 37:36. |
5,6. |
Sing unto the Lord with the harp; with the harp, and the
voice of a psalm. With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before
the Lord, the King. This suggests a special service of praise in the Temple,
in thanksgiving for a great deliverance. |
9. |
For he cometh (96:13). The Hebrew is a past tense, with
reference to the salvation just experienced. |
1. |
The new song is echoed time and again in the Apocalypse
(5:9-14; 11:16,17; 14:1-3; 19:4-8). |
His holy arm, shown in power (Isa. 59:16; 63:5), is
Jesus, now glorified (Isa. 53:1). |
The victory is identified by Isaiah, Paul, and John as
the conquest of death (Isa. 25:8; 1 Cor. 15:54-57; Rev. 20:14; 21:4). |
2. |
His salvation = His “Jesus”! |
His righteousness = the Lord our Righteousness (Jer.
23:6; Rev. 3:12). |
3. |
He hath remembered his mercy and his truth towards the
house of Israel. Both Mary and Zacharias went instinctively to these words
when contemplating the fulfillment of the great Messianic purpose through Jesus
and John (Luke 1:54,72). Mary’s Song, especially, contains a number of
connections with this psalm. |
His mercy and his truth. The Covenants of Promise: Mic.
7:21. “Mercy”, because freely given to sinners irrespective of
merit. “Truth”, because the fulfillment of God’s Promises is
absolutely certain. |
4. |
All the earth can now, in contemplation of the
Messianic age, be ac-corded its completely literal sense: meaning, the whole
habitable world, and not just the Land of Israel. |
6. |
Trumpets are associated with resurrection (1 Cor.
15:52; 1 Thes. 4:16; Rev. 11:15-18). Trumpets also signaled the coronation or
approach of a king (1 Kings 1:34,39; 2 Kings 9:13; 11:12,14), and therefore
accompanied the Ark to Zion (1 Chron. 15:24,28; 16:6,42) — because it
represented the real presence of God, the true King of Israel. |
7. |
Let the sea roar. It is tempting here to quote Luke
21:25 as parallel. But is the sense really the same, or is it rather as in Psa.
96:11 (see notes there)? |
Let the floods clap their hands, thus acclaiming the
King (2 Kings 11:12). The slapping of waves against the shore would suggest the
action and noise of hands clapping. |
8. |
Let the hills be joyful together. The LXX has
Luke’s splendid word for the early church: homothumadon = of
one mind, of one accord (Acts 1:14; 2:1,46; 4:24; 5:12). How much more valid for
the Messianic age described here! (See Par. 6 also.) |
9. |
With righteousness shall he judge the world. Certainly
this was in Paul’s mind in his witness at Athens (Acts 17:31; cp. Psa.
95:13). |
1. |
Victory (yasha) has as its chief aspect
salvation (yeshua). “So it looks at both friend (with
salvation) and foe (with victory), and is big enough to combine the hard
decisiveness of the latter with the compassion and constructiveness of the
former. This salvation/victory is wholly supernatural, a single-handed exploit
of the Lord” (Kidner, p. 352). |
4. |
Make a joyful noise. The verb is plural, and the noun
singular; that is, all peoples are unanimous in making the same glad sound.
5,6. |
See Psalms Studies, Vol. 1, p. 12, on musical
instruments. |
5. |
Psalm here is the Hebrew zimrah —
which is different from the word which forms the title for this collection of
songs — i.e., mizmor. The distinction between the two,
however, is relatively minor. Zimrah signifies “a song of
praise” (s.w. Psa. 81:2; Isa. 51:13; Amos 5:23). Instead of “the
voice of a psalm”, the RSV translates: “the sound of
melody”. |
7,8. |
Let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof: the world, and
they that dwell therein. Let the floods clap their hands: let the hills be
joyful together. This is either very poetic language, or the words are to be
read figuratively with reference to the angels of God who control not only the
ocean but all the other forces of nature. |
Forth to the battle rides our King;
He climbs his conquering car;[1]
He fits his arrows to the string,
And smites his foes afar.
Convictions pierce the stoutest hearts;
They bleed, they faint, they die;
Slain by Immanuel’s well-aimed darts,
In helpless heaps they lie.
Behold, he bares his two-edged sword,
And deals almighty blows;
His sharp and all-revealing word
’Twixt joints and marrow goes.
Anon, arrayed in robes of grace,
He rides the trampled plain,
With pity beaming from his face,
And mercy in his train.
Mighty to save he now appears,
Mighty to raise the dead,
Mighty to stanch the bleeding wound,
And lift the fallen head.
Victor alike in love and arms,
Myriads before him bend;
Such are the Conqueror’s matchless charms,
E’en foe becomes his friend.
They crown him on the battle-field
Of all the nations King;
With trumpets and with cornets loud
They make the heavens ring.
(C.H. Spurgeon, and[1] Not a Ford or Chevrolet, or even a Mercedes or Cadillac! Before the twentieth century, when the above was written, this was a shortened form of “carriage” or “chariot”.