Maschil: “Causing to understand”. See notes
on Psalm 32, title. Is this title included here because the experience it
commemorates taught David a lesson about Saul and his intentions, or because
there is an important truth for all to learn from the behavior and fate of Doeg?
The LXX reads: sunesis, understanding: s.w. Col. 1:9; 2:2; Eph.
3:4; 2 Tim. 2:7.
A Psalm of David, when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul,
and said unto him, David is come to the house of Ahimelech. There is no
reason for discarding this as inappropriate. However, many moderns do so, and
some who are not so modern, out of deference to a theory about the late date of
the Psalter: e.g. Aglen in Ellicott’s Commentary: “The traditional
title has not the slightest support in the contents or tone of the psalm...
There is not a syllable in the poem which conveniently applies to Doeg or to the
occurrence narrated in 1 Sam. 22:17.” (See, however, Par. 3.)
Why boastest thou thyself? Not so much open boasting as
self-praise (tith-hallel means precisely this).
O mighty man. There is a marked irony about this. Doeg,
the butcher of defenseless priests, women, and children, is called gibbor,
a great hero! (Compare the men “mighty” —gibbor!
— in drinking wine in Isa. 5:22.) Yet is another sense Doeg was a
mighty man, for he was “chiefest of the herdmen of Saul” — not
a mere shepherd in charge of other shepherds, but quite probably a high
official, just as the Chief Butler and Chief Baker were top men in
Pharaoh’s cabinet.
Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs. 1 Sam. 22:9,10. The
language of this and the next few verses... “mischiefs”,
“deceitfully”, “evil”, “lying”,
“devouring words”, “deceitful tongue”... easily suggests
the serpent in Eden. Doeg is a rightful “seed of the serpent” (Matt.
3:7; 12:34; 23:33). On the evil of the tongue in general, see James 1:26;
3:2-12; Prov. 12:19; and 18:21.
Like a sharp razor. A strange figure of speech. Why not
“a sharp sword”? 1 Sam. 21:7 explains: “detained before the
Lord” implies a Nazarite vow (Num. 6:9,18) or the need for a priestly
decision concerning leprosy or some similar disease (Lev. 13:33-37), either of
which would require the removal of the hair. Probably not the former, for how
could an Edomite of all people be a Nazarite unto the Lord? Instead, probably
some communicable disease. (Poole: “Like a man pretending only to shave
off the hair... suddenly and unexpectedly cuts one’s
Working deceitfully. At Nob there was no open hostility
from Doeg, but David knew human nature.
Lying. “He inquired of the Lord for him (that is,
by Urim and Thum-mim)” (1 Sam. 22:10) seems to be Doeg’s invention.
Is it at all likely that a divine instruction would bid David flee to the court
of Achish the Philistine?
Selah suggests association with the sanctuary at Nob,
as also does speak righteousness.
Thou lovest. With reference to Doeg how sinister this
repeated phrase (v. 3) is!
All devouring words (“words of swallowing”)
suggests Psa. 5:9: “Their throat is an open sepulchre.” With such a
mouth he swallows up the people of God (53:4, the same incident).
God shall likewise destroy thee. This
“likewise” is meaningless, except with reference to the
“devouring” of the priests of Nob.
And pluck thee out of thy dwelling place. The Hebrew
word is ohel (tent), appropriate both to the tabernacle at Nob and
to the Chief of the Shepherds. With “pluck out” (s.w. Deut. 28:63)
contrast v. 8a: David is a green and fruitful tree, well-rooted in the Lord and
not about to be plucked out!
This is the man that... trusted in the abundance of his
riches. What a contrast with v. 8b: “I (David) trust in the mercy of
God for ever and ever.”
The abundance of his riches. Doeg was assuredly a very
important (and wealthy) member of Saul’s court (see on v. 1).
Is the olive tree in the house of God a sad
reminiscence by David of the sanctuary at Nob, once green and fruitful with
worship of the Lord, but now decimated? A good guess is that the ancient Nob was
located on the mount of Olives, on or near the later site of the garden
of Gethsemane (which signifies an oil press — for
God shall likewise destroy thee for ever. The complete
and permanent elimination of the Jewish priesthood in the first
And pluck thee out of thy dwelling place. “Every
plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up”
(Matt. 15:13). As Jesus spoke of the fig tree being plucked up and cast into the
sea (Luke 17:6), so the Jewish nation — and especially the temple and the
priesthood — would soon be overthrown (Mark 11:20-23; 13:1,2; Jude
This is the man that... trusted in the abundance of his
riches. This is the only kind of “faith” these evil men could
muster. Luke 12:15-21, as discussed in notes on Psa. 49, is an intended
parabolic prophecy of the fate of these men.
A green olive tree suggests Christ kneeling amongst the
olive trees of Gethsemane. All around him was “wilderness”, but he
was fully rooted in faith.
For ever and ever. Who else but Christ, and those in
him (v. 9b; 22:25)?
The goodness of God endureth continually. This comes in
very abruptly. Perhaps it is to be understood as an ironic question: ‘Is
this your idea of the lovingkindness of God all the day (i.e. when detained
before the Lord)?’
God shall likewise destroy thee forever. The fate of
the wicked is eternal destruction (Psa. 37:34,36,38, and references in the notes
See and fear. An impressive play on two nearly
identical Hebrew words. Note the emphasis in the Law on “hear and
fear” (Deut. 13:11; 17:13; 19:20; 21:21).
At the end of the verse, RV and RSV quite correctly add
“saying”; e.g. Psa. 41:5, RV.
This is the man that made not God his strength: 53:4;
54:3; 55:19. Maschil!
A green olive tree in the house of God. The olive tree
is proverbial for light, prosperity, peace, and joy (Jer. 11:16; Hos. 14:6).
This alludes to an olive tree planted in the sanctuary enclosure; later it was
replaced by the twin pillars of Jachin (established) and Boaz (strength) (1
Kings 7:21) and was itself fashioned into a gold-covered cherub of glory (1
Kings 6:23-28). The righteous will be like pillars in God’s temple (Rev.
3:12). See also Psa. 1:3; 92:12,13; Ezek. 47:12; Rev. 22:1,2.