47. Summary of Conclusions
What follows is a list, without elaboration, of
some of the fellowship principles derived from the previous studies (references
which follow certain items are to the most relevant chapter in this
- Excommunication should always be intended to lead to the
restoration of the sinner, the cessation of fellowship being thought of as only
- It is at least as wrong to go too far in our
demands upon our brethren, as it is not to go far enough. In other words, it is
possible to err on the side of
- “Fellowship” appears many more
times in the Bible as a positive thing, to be shared, than it does as a negative
thing, to be withheld (Chapter 1).
- Patience and
sympathy, even toward error or ignorance, are always desirable; love is never a
sign of weakness (Ch. 2).
- False teachers and
those who are falsely taught are two very different groups, and should not be
treated the same (Ch. 2).
- Even such brethren as the
Lord’s own apostles could at times disagree in “fellowship”
matters (2).
- The “shepherd” who protects the
flock must be our example, not the “hireling” who flees when danger
threatens (3).
- Our individual salvation is not
endangered by fellowshiping “doubtful cases”
- A church without tares is an impossible thing in
this dispensation; uprooting of “tares” or doubtful brethren can
weaken the “good grain” (4).
- The main
purpose of the ecclesia is not to keep the Truth “pure” as a theory
or system, but to help its members, impure men and women, strive toward
Biblical purity or perfection (5).
- Each ecclesia
should be basically, if not altogether, concerned with its own affairs, i.e.
building the “wall” in its own place
- Ecclesias are primarily responsible to Christ, and
only secondarily to one another (6).
- Inconsistencies in
local fellowship matters must sometimes be tolerated
- Matthew 18, dealing with the procedure for possible
disfellowship, has nothing whatsoever to say about taking up controversies with
ecclesias other than one’s own (9).
- We must seek
reconciliation with our brethren continuously, and never be satisfied with
disunion (10).
- Much more emphasis is placed, Biblically,
upon judging oneself than judging others
- “Peace” is always to be desired;
division and strife, never
- “Fellowship” is primarily a way of
life, not a technicality (13).
- It is Christ’s
utmost desire that his brethren be at one with each other
- Divisions are not always good nor admirable
- It is a common weakness of human nature, that
those who are near to us but not quite with us arouse more bitterness than total
strangers (21).
- God knows who are truly His and He will
reveal them in due time (22).
- Sometimes the only proper
course is to choose “the lesser of two evils”. God will pardon the
failings of those who prepare their hearts to serve Him, even if their service
is less than perfect (24).
- The greatest abhorrence of
sin is not necessarily to be found in the one who is most severe on the sinner
- Christ did not believe in “guilt — or
defilement — by association”; in fact, he acted very much in
opposition to such a theory (29).
- “Negative
holiness” can save no man (29).
- Christ died
for sinners, not for the sinless; moreover, he lived for sinners,
bearing their burdens and patiently, lovingly helping them. He considered all
men, even the most sinful, worth saving
- Perfect, or pure, fellowship with our brethren is
an impossibility in this life (32).
- Those who fail to
excommunicate “heretics” do not thereby become
“heretics” themselves (33).
- In actual
practice, brethren can agree to ignore minor differences and walk together if
they are of one mind on the vital issues
- “Peaceableness” is a virtue always to
be desired; it should not be kept “under wraps” until some imagined
“purity” has first been achieved
- Differences of opinion on secondary matters are,
if not ideal, at least preferable to out-and-out division
- A limited toleration of differences is more
desirable than an absolute conformity of opinion that is dictatorially imposed
- Not all contention is proper or profitable; some
contention may be only for one’s own pride and personal opinion
- Mouths may be stopped by means other than the
cutting off of heads (42).
- Time and distance are often
very real barriers to ascertaining all the facts necessary to make a proper
decision regarding fellowship (45).
- No brother should
ever be judged without a fair hearing (46).
- Two
ecclesias may arrive at different conclusions on a matter involving fellowship,
and yet agree to recognize each other in fellowship even while holding opposite
opinions concerning a third party (46)