RR, "Providence", Gary Burns, and the "why" of suffering
[Brother Gary Burns died after a long and difficult
struggle with leukemia. Just before his death, he wrote
Suffering, the why of -- see Articles and
Just thinking... about RR (and JT), about "providence", about
good brothers and sisters who suffer, in a thousand ways, and sometimes ask
"Why?", and about friends who die young...
So while I was thinking thus, I decided to read a bit of RR's
"Ways of Providence" -- and was reminded again, that even if RR had never given
us anything else, how his little narrative book "W of P" would be
I wound up reading his retelling of the life of Jacob, in
which -- as he says -- the "ways of providence" are so well-illustrated. In one
place he focuses on a part of the narrative that is more or less hidden "between
the lines" or "behind the scenes". Meaning... the main story has moved on
elsewhere, to Joseph in Egypt, and to the brothers going down there in
trepidation and fear, but out of necessity because of the famine. But here RR
concentrates on the one they left behind, the aged Jacob -- who had, as far as
he could see it, "lost" one son already, endangered another, and so desperately
did not want to lose his beloved Benjamin... but who could only wait and worry
and fear...
RR proceeds.....
Jacob is left alone in distress. His sons are all gone to a
country where he knows they are suspected and from which perhaps they will never
return. The austere "lord of the land," the burden of his apprehensions, may
fall upon them all, Benjamin too, as he had done upon Simeon, and make them
bondsmen, and he may never see them again. He is uneasy; he cannot rest; he
trusts in God, yet the clouds are dark and his heart heavy. It is almost at the
breaking point. He cannot endure much longer. Poor Jacob!
"To the upright, there ariseth light in the
His sons return in due time, and what fine equipages are these
they have brought with them? Wagons that Joseph has sent to carry Jacob and all
the little ones to Egypt. Who? Joseph!
"Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of
Jacob faints at the report! No wonder. Give him time. He
slowly rallies. He listens; Benjamin and Simeon are there. He looks at the
wagons. He puts all things together. He comes to the only conclusion admissible
in the circumstances:
"It is enough; Joseph my son is yet alive; I will go and see him before I
What more forcible illustration was it possible for God to
have given to all succeeding generations of His children that trouble (so far
from being evidence of desertion) is a means employed in His hands to lay the
foundation of future joy and blessedness. Let His children then be comforted and
strengthened to endure even the deepest and most inexplicable affliction. Let
them learn to see God in the darkness and to feel His hand in the tempest. Let
them beware of the folly of Job's three friends rebuked of God. Let them know
that this time of our pilgrimage is the night, and that though weeping may
endure for a night, joy cometh in the morning and that joy a joy prepared by the
weeping. Let them apply the consolation Christ has given them:
"Blessed are ye that weep now, for ye shall be
Thereafter I read also some of RR's story of Joseph -- the
same story on the "other side", so to speak... There RR concludes:
Meanwhile, the lesson of Joseph's life is unmistakable. It is
what we have already seen illustrated, that God works when His hand is not
apparent, and often when it would seem as if He must be taking no notice, and by
means that seem to exclude the possibility of His being at work. The conclusion
is comforting to those who commit their way to God. It may seem to them that God
is not only working with them, but actually working against them. Let them
remember the agony of Joseph in the pit, in slavery, in false imprisonment and
learn that the darkest paths of their life may be the ways appointed for them to
reach liberty and life, wealth and honour -- yea, a throne in the kingdom of the
anti-typical Joseph, who himself had to tread the dark and tearful valley of
humiliation, and who, in the day of his glory, will introduce all his brethren,
amongst many bright stars, to the most interesting of Jacob's sons.
Thank you, RR. And thank you, GB (the OTHER GB, not this
one!), for reminding us that it is through much tribulation that we enter the
kingdom of God, and for reminding us that there is a reason for everything that
happens to us or to those we love, even if we see it only through a glass darkly
at this present time. "The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the
Yes, I do believe it will.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.