Harold of the Coming Age
Some years ago in Houston, we had a weekly radio broadcast; it
was called "Herald of the Coming Age" (name borrowed, I suppose, from the Logos
booklets on first principles). Brother Troy Haltom did a lot of work on the
broadcast and follow-up. Once he showed me a postcard asking for a booklet on a
particular subject covered in a broadcast. The postcard was addressed
"HAROLD of the Coming Age".
I still don't know if that particular writer thought that Troy
was actually a time-traveler named "Harold", who had come back to tell us all
about the "age to come"!
But nevertheless, I cautioned brother Troy about inspiring the
worship of angels (or "demigods"?)!
And for a while thereafter, I addressed him as "brother Troy
of the Coming Age".
Which suggests, I think, an exhortation of sorts: we all can,
and should, live in the "coming age", to some extent and with some understood
limitations. We are... "the children of the Kingdom"; our "citizenship" is in
heaven, from whence we look for the Saviour to appear. And -- although we all
now dwell in mortal bodies, bodies that will surely perish if enough time
passes, we are still -- Scripturally understood -- partakers of "eternal life"!
And -- Rom 8:3 -- right now, there is NO condemnation upon us if we love God and
follow His commandments.
In other words, it is possible to be physically alive and
spiritually "dead"... OR to be physically "dying" and spiritually "alive" in
So the question is: where DO we live? In this age, or in the
age to come?
George of the Coming Age