A Separate People
While we stand firm for our faith as Christadelphians, we hope
and pray that we may always stand in God's strength, not our own. Our present
responsibility is so to humble ourselves before God that the likeness of His Son
may be fashioned in us. Before men we cannot appear as political "reformers",
nor may we fight to gain our ends, or to overturn human governments. We must
refrain from bearing arms, for "the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be
gentle unto all men, and patient" (2Ti 2:24). Our Lord himself will direct his
servants in truly changing the world when he returns, but since his kingdom is
not of this present age, we will not now fight (Joh 18:36). In an unbelieving
world the Lord's servants are spiritually stateless, strangers and pilgrims (1Pe
2:11), having here no continuing city (Heb 13:14). For this reason they consider
the world's politics no concern of theirs, and they are only concerned to be
obedient, where conscience does not forbid, to the powers who rule over them
(Rom 13:1-7). [See Lessons, Politics and voting,
and Military and police.]
Christadelphians must stand for all these things, for we
believe that they are true and faithful. But we have no wish to stand apart from
any who on these terms would wish to join us. It is always a pleasure and a joy
to hear from those who want to know more about our hope, and who are willing to
be taught by the word of God.
If these simple things which Christadelphians believe have
struck a responsive chord in you the reader, then we invite you to visit with
us, to write to us, or to attend our Bible studies, and to discuss these matters
further. God has promised that He will draw to Himself all those who humbly seek
Him with all their hearts.