This study has two purposes: (1) to present an exposition of
Paul's first letter to Timothy; and (2) to exhort the brethren -- by Scriptural
command and example -- in the proper conduct of God's ecclesia in these last and
dangerous days.
Many points mentioned herein will be useful in note-taking and
Bible marking. But we should go much farther than this in our consideration of 1
Timothy and the topics which arise out of it. We should reflect prayerfully and
carefully upon the exhortations and admonitions to be found in these
We do not wish to claim originality. In preparing these notes
we owe much to the works of John Thomas and Robert Roberts, as well as those of
other faithful Christadelphians. Their efforts were and are directed (as ours
should be) to the preservation of God's Truth in its purity (1Ti 1:3; 6:20), and
to the encouragement of one another to grow in grace through "godly edifying"
(1Ti 1:4).
We should acknowledge especially the help of a lengthy
exhortational article by G. V. Growcott, which provided the starting point for
this study. In particular verses we have considered the thoughts of many other
brethren, as the discerning reader will readily see. This being essentially an
exhortational study, no bibliography is attached. Bible quotations are from the
King James Version unless otherwise stated.
May God Almighty bless us in all our efforts, and may He
strengthen our hands and hearts to perform His will!
George Booker
Troy Haltom